Rail-Related News, August 6th-26th, 2019

Uber, Lyft responsible for major increase in San Francisco traffic congestion
San Francisco Muni opens new light rail platform for Warriors’ arena
Salesforce Transit Center reopens to buses after nearly a year
“Are you a seat hog?” and other tales of BART riders from Hell
New director S.F.’s Central Subway shares his strategy to speed up project opening
S.F. Muni Metro subway to shut early evenings for maintenance work
California makes progress in cutting greenhouse gas emissions, though not in transportation
Southern California Metrolink hits ridership record for FY 2019
Sacramento Regional Transit negotiating for up to 76 new low-floor LRVs
Amtrak wants to extend its Michigan service to Toronto, Canada
San Francisco’s oldest cable car in service again
Maps compare BART’s footprint to other major urban rail networks around the world
Weekend track work on BART Concord line delays traffic on Highway 24
California Coastal Commission nixes trenching fix for crumbling Del Mar bluffs
BART discontinues paper ticket sales at first San Francisco station
Why people get so crazy at times on BART
Amid protests, SF board names Chinatown subway station for Rose Pak, notorious political activist
Super commuters continue to multiply in California due to lack of housing in high employment areas
San Diego’s plan to “level playing field” between autos and transit delayed yet again
Passenger survey says BART stations are getting cleaner, particularly elevators
Marin-Sonoma SMART Board of Directors mull strategies for financial future, tax renewal
Virgin Trains begins building 125 mph segment to Orlando, Florida
BART to add “infill” station in Fremont between downtown and Warm Springs stops
More on new Irvington BART station in Fremont
Sonoma-Marin SMART begins testing Larkspur extension
More on Marin-Sonoma SMART tax extension proposed for 2020 ballot
New Hudson Tubes project between New Jersey and New York reduces projected budget by $1.4 billion
Sacramento Blue Line light rail derailment on August 22nd injures 13, under investigation