Rail-Related News, November 2019

Southern California Metrolink proposed battery-powered trains
Report finds New York City subways can be sped up by nearly 50% within existing infrastructure
Should BART’s parking pricing be increased?
Study of third SMART station in Santa Rosa proposed
California PUC approves Jennings Avenue crossing of SMART in Santa Rosa
SMART board to vote on sales tax extension measure
BART to San Jose raising a lot of questions: San Jose Mercury Roadshow
Miami-Dade transit agency approving bringing Brightline station to North Dade County
Passenger rail, bus service boost real estate values according to new report
Soon smartphones can be used to pay BART fares
BART study looking to San Francisco’s Geary Corridor as part of 2nd Transbay Tube study
How BART kept the power on during PG&E’s blackout fiascos
BART backs off from proposed busking, panhandling ban
Editorial: SMART must earn sales tax extension
BART extension to San Jose delayed again
SMART offers free rides as service returns after PG&E shutoffs
When those who past went to their resting place via streetcar
BART starts pre-revenue testing of San Jose extension, though service won’t start until 2020
How transit ballot measures fared in November 2019 elections
Massachusetts has plans for commuter trains every 15 minutes on most lines
Transit ridership in San Diego bottoms out, then grows reflecting increasing gasoline prices
BART adds gates and attendants to make station elevators safer and more secure
Marin-Sonoma SMART places sales tax extension on March 2020 ballot
SMART closes stations, sounds train horn for downtown Novato station testing
As more new BART cars arrive, “legacy” cars have uncertain future
Despite Newsom’s high-speed plan, high-speed rail board members have other ideas
Second Petaluma SMART station delayed due to Planning Commission concerns
Dianne Feinstein wants another bridge across San Francisco Bay, but regional planners don’t
Editorial: why another Bay Bridge is a bad idea
New plan for San Jose Amtrak/Caltrain station unveiled
Political correctness banishes term “Red Line” from Sound Transit in Seattle region
First “legacy” BART car gets crushed at scrap yard
SMART cost overrun of $10 million for Windsor extension
SMART pitches new schedules, announces opening of downtown Novato, Larkspur stations
SMART to begin train service to new Larkspur and Novato stations in mid-December