Rail-Related News, Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Electric car motorheads get trolled by 100-year old streetcar at Swedish auto show (video)
BART to reopen bathrooms at Powell Street station, closed after 9/11
BART has plan to fix unacceptable Sunday delays, but many riders may not like it
Plan for BART “ambassadors” to improve interface with passengers, homeless, etc.
Getting enough money for “Valley Link”–a rail line paralleling ACE–won’t be easy
SMART passengers offer opinions as key ballot measure will appear on March 2020 primary ballot
More on SMART extension to new Larkspur station
$100 million needed to stabilize crumbling Del Mar Bluffs
San Jose BART extension now won’t open until April 2020
Marin County’s “wish list” for projects from the proposed $100 billion+ Bay Area “MegaMeasure”
Cops rounding up gate jumpers at BART’s Embarcadero Station
Editorial: SMART trains are part of the problem, and solution, for San Rafael traffic mess
When will BART extension to San Jose open? No one can say for sure
San Francisco Muni introduces new light rail trains
Construction on high speed rail between Victorville and La$ Vega$ could begin in 2020
Couplers fail on San Francisco Muni light rail trains
SMART launches service to new Larkspur station, “sorta” near Larkspur ferry dock
More on SMART extension to Larkspur “sorta” near Larkspur ferry dock
Feds forbid CHSRA from moving forward on tracks, systems. Agency keeps going anyway
Transit in San Diego County delivers $1 billion+ in economic value according to report
The Sun Rises in The East(tm) Dept.: “On-demand transit is not a good solution”