TRAC Position Paper on the LOSSAN Corridor, June 2021
TRAC’s Comments on 2020 California High-Speed Rail Business Plan
TRAC’s Alternatives to Continued Funding of the CHSRA Project (February 8, 2020)
TRAC Position Paper 2018-1
OPTIMIZED RAIL PASSENGER SERVICE FOR SANTA CRUZ COUNTY -Maximizing Ridership and Benefits of Rail Passenger Service, April 9, 2018
Intercity Passenger Trains Are Not Commuter Trains: Faster Intercity Trains With Fewer Stops are Needed; More Commuter Trains, Too
Three state-supported agencies provide intercity passenger rail service in corridors connecting metropolitan regions in California. Other California agencies operate intra-metropolitan passenger train services, better known as commuter trains. Some commuter trains operate on the same tracks as state-supported intercity passenger trains. Under the recent devolution of power from the state to JPAs, the intercity services have come to be managed by commuter rail agencies. This intermingling results in confusion as to the respective market functions of these two distinct types of service. None of the state-supported intercity rail agencies has adopted service design standards to distinguish intercity trains from commuter services.
TRAC Comments on California Draft State Rail Plan, Dec. 2017
TRAC Comments Letter to State Senator McGuire SB69 / “Great Redwood Trail”